Sunday, December 26, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

This is a dialogue recoding from Alice in Wonderland done by me and my friend Maria Hurtado. It was a second year sound project. We had to be in sync with the cartoon characters but we could change the words. We basically re-recorded all the dialogues and bg sound you can hear in the video. I did the caterpillar voice and maria did Alice. :)

Walk and run animation

This was my second animation assignment in which I had to do a walk cycle and a run cycle including character interaction....I thought animation will be a tough job to do, but putting it together was a pain...maybe because it was my first assignment done on different animation levels..! It didn't turn out to be really good...but i'll try to do it again in my summer break..with colour, sound and better animation :)

3 min life drawing

2 min life drawings

Some 2 min life drawings

1 min life drawings

1 min life drawings I did in second year

Gouache paintings

24 hour cycle
 We had to do a 24 hour cycle in gouache. This shows the tasks I do in a whole day...This was done when I was in art fundamentals
This is a simple and quick gouache painting just to test the paint for the first time :)

Character poses

These are character poses for character design class in first year. We had to develop our own character and draw 6 poses to show the personality of the character


Hand drawings I did in first year


 Some feett drawings i did in first year(i can't draw feet at all) :(

Short storyboard(love)

This was a short storyboard for a love story I did in first year for my character design in class. Then in second year, I did a full storyboard and leica of the same which I'll upload soon :)