Friday, February 24, 2012

Character development

Another character developed from a life drawing I did...

Life Drawings

Some more life drawings, done in different media like markers, water colours and brushpen...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bride Character development

This was done for a character development assignment. I took one of my life drawings and developed a 2 faced character of a Bride.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Test Animation

This is a test animation done for our group film 'NEXT'. The situation is that Sam(the little kid), is being chased by a monster. He is in the corner of a room. He doesn't know what to do. He is really scared. Then, he finds a toothpaste on the top of a counter. He grabs it with the intention of shooting it at the monster. Unluckily, only a little bit comes out and he has to run for his life.....


These are some workbook drawings I did for our group film 'NEXT'. The location is a dentist's waiting room where Milley(the girl), is teasing her brother who has a tooth ache, while she is enjoying her candy.

Life Drawings

Drapery Exploration!

Life Drawings

Some life drawings done using acrylic paints.

Life Drawings

Life drawing done in pastel with a bit of drapery.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rough Animation for Action Analysis

So finally, I got a chance to post my rough animation for the action analysis assignment.