Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2D Leica Reel - 'Workout'

Workout-2D Animation Leica from priyanka jain on Vimeo.
This is the leica for my shot film 'Workout'. It's for for my 4th year project. It's about this 'bulky'(I don't wana say fat) woman who is trying to workout while being tempted by delicious food items now and then.  It is definitely supposed to be a film that makes you laugh here and there....and if that doesn't happen, I am seriously doing something wrong somewhere.  We had a blu-ray screening at school this week for about 100 people and I was glad that I did get some laughs here and there.... :D
Enjoy watching!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Film Characters

These are rough character designs for my 4th year film. The film is about this fat woman trying to lose weight. The guy next to her is her husband.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ads for iphone

These are some ads I designed for the various iphone games. These were to pop up after the game has been played a couple of times.

Sprite Sheet for ant animation

This is the final animation sprite sheet. It can barely be seen but it is a complete walk cycle of the ant.

Pose for ant animation

This is the final pose we decided for the ant animation.

Scorecard screen for 'WordNerds'

Some score card options. We finalized the second one.

'WordNerds' icon for iphone

This is the final icon for the iphone game.

Ant Poses

Some ant poses I explored. We had to figure out a way to make the ant carry/push/pull the block on to the game screen. We went with the one where ant is carrying the block..

Game Screen for 'WordNerds' app

These are options for the actual game screen. The first one was decided as the final one to be used for the game.

Title Page for 'WordNerds' app

These are basically 2 characters options we had. The first one is more child like cartoony ant and the second(black) one is more ant like ant. The second one was finalized as the one to be used for the app. This is the title page for the app, which was tweaked more at later stages.

Design Pack for Iphone app 'WordNerds'

Here is the style exploration I did in the first couple of days. It was basically to give an idea to my employers about the different types of styles we could go for...

Back from my Internship!

Finally, I am back!
Huh! It's been a while since I last updated my blog but it's been super busy lately. I had my internship which was 10 weeks of intensive work. First of all it was in Hamilton at Snakehead Games which is about an hour and a half from my place(by public transport obviously). That added to 3 hours of commute+7 hours of work at the studio=10 hours everyday for 10 weeks. Now that was super busy.

But it was fun. I mean I wasn't forced to get out of the house to get to the studio. I wanted to go there, be there, work there, but it was the commute that really killed me. Especially at the end of the day when I had to get back home- I used to be super tired, but I had to get back home, right?.LOL

Anyways, I worked on an Iphone game 'WordNerds' and a game for McDonalds Kidz place. You can check out my interview to know more about my internship and my experience at Snakehead Games- http://www.snakeheadgames.com/?p=1701

Now I will go ahead and update the blog with the work I did at Snakehead Games.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

2d animation -Sam fighting

This is another animation form 'Next'. Here Sam(the boy) is really scared and looking for something to fight back the monster who is attacking him.

Final Animation -Milly teasing Sam

This animation was done for our group film 'NEXT'. This secne is about Milley(the lil girl) teasing her big brother sitting beside her in a dentist's office. He is has got a lot of pain in this tooth which needs to get extracted.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Film Layouts

 This is one of the layouts I am working on for our group film. It shows the different stages. First is the rough, then the clean and then the painted bg. The painting is not complete yet. A lot of work needs to be done, but I will post the painted layout as soon as I am done...

iphone app designs

These are some iphone app designs I did for a test for a company. They are designing educational apps for kids and they wanted me to design 2 slides. The first one is the welcome screen. The second one is a toy box which the kid gets after he successfully completes a lesson. The toys are supposed to be animated when we touch them. The joker juggles, the train starts moving, the horse starts rocking and the teddy bear sings and dances on a kids poem. These were done very quickly, in just about 30 mins each.
I figured out that I really like designing stuff for kids. It is fun...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Character development

Another character developed from a life drawing I did...

Life Drawings

Some more life drawings, done in different media like markers, water colours and brushpen...