Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2D Leica Reel - 'Workout'

Workout-2D Animation Leica from priyanka jain on Vimeo.
This is the leica for my shot film 'Workout'. It's for for my 4th year project. It's about this 'bulky'(I don't wana say fat) woman who is trying to workout while being tempted by delicious food items now and then.  It is definitely supposed to be a film that makes you laugh here and there....and if that doesn't happen, I am seriously doing something wrong somewhere.  We had a blu-ray screening at school this week for about 100 people and I was glad that I did get some laughs here and there.... :D
Enjoy watching!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Film Characters

These are rough character designs for my 4th year film. The film is about this fat woman trying to lose weight. The guy next to her is her husband.